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Posts tagged as “Christian Faith”

Welcome to the New Rome

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by Zman

Imagine you agree to play a game with someone and the first rule of the game is that your opponent sets the rules of the game and he can change the rules whenever he likes for any reason he likes. That would mean that no matter your mastery of the rules, you must always lose the game because your opponent will simply change the rules whenever necessary. You would spend all of your time learning rules that keep changing to put you at a disadvantage.

Controversial Dating Site Seeks To Recover Dominion Mandate

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by J.B. Durham

Dominion Dating is on a mission to re-enchant our generation with the extraordinary goodness of God’s design for sex, marriage, and family, and that, by re-connecting these gifts to their God-ordained, creational purpose—the Dominion Mandate.

Sinister Psychosis and the Remembrance of God

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

Originally published on July 21, 2022 at

The progress of technology had led and is still leading to just such a concentration and centralization of power” Aldous Huxley.

Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man”

Luke 21:34-36

Foundational to Christian living is the remembrance of God. Remembrance while waking. Remembrance while at work. Remembrance while fulfilling the duties of life. Remembrance while going to sleep. The Christian must be cultivating the remembrance of God in all things. It need not be elaborate, the believer may offer this service in the inner chamber of the heart. He may offer it in solitude or while in the midst of a multitude.

Christian Nationalism and The Machete of Disobfuscation

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by Pastor Doug Wilson

One of the things that everybody needs to be braced for is a spate of articles, books, think pieces, documentaries, and the like on the rising threat of Christian nationalism. That being the case, you are likely to hear a lot about it from me as well. I intend, over the coming months, to sharpen my Machete of Disobfuscation, and, together in fellowship with you, to clear out some of these thickets.

The Old Testament Belongs to Christ and His People Alone

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Why There Can Never Be A “Judeo-Christian” Anything

by Pastor Andrew Isker

Within conservative circles, particularly among evangelicals in that court, it is not uncommon to hear the phrase “Judeo-Christian”. This expression often modifies something that pertains to the history or tradition of Christendom. Most people think nothing of it. They are familiar enough with the Bible to know that the Old Testament is about Israel and the Hebrews, and the New Testament is about Christ incarnating to Israel and going to all the nations. But the reality is that Christianity was not formed out of this thing called “Judaism.” Christianity is the true biblical religion, and Judaism is the religion formed after faithful Jews, and believing Gentiles, were united to Jesus Christ.

From Advocate to Abolitionist:

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An Orthodox Christian’s Perspective on Abortion

by Brittany Witcoff

The leading cause of death in the United States – let alone the world – is not heart disease, lung cancer, alcoholism, or gun violence; it is the myriad methods of destruction of life in a mother’s womb collectively known as abortion. As I type this article nearly 100 babies are murdered before their first breath every hour in the US. That’s 286,034 souls lost since 2022 began and this number continues to increase. [1] That makes abortion a more violent killer than all wars fought throughout humanity’s history…combined. To paint this statistical atrocity with an even broader stroke, more than 73 million abortions are performed worldwide each year – this is likely an underestimate, however, as such a number has been reported by the WHO.[2]

Full Spectrum Data Surveillance, Transhumanism, and the Religion of the End

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

In 1957 Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, coined the term “Transhuman.”

Julian was a staunch evolutionist, eugenicist, and globalist; he was also the grandson of T.H. Huxley, a contemporary and proponent of Darwin and his theory of evolution. In basic, Julian believed that up until the modern area, humanity had hitherto naturally evolved by chance. Yet now before modern man stood the opportunity to take the reins from “natural selection,” humanity could guide its own evolutionary process. Of course, not all of humanity, only those who have been chosen by history to do so. This idea was not unique to Mr. Huxley. Others such as Jonas Salk, to name but one, also spoke in similar terms in his book “Survival of the Wisest.”

A Reformation is on the Horizon

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…I think we can see it now

by Chris Jenkins

The cataracts from over a century of fractured theology and eschatological disappointments are beginning to fall from our eyes. The cloudy haze of escapism that would subconsciously govern our outlook on life now and in the future, the same haze which has played a role in blurring our sights on the Great Commission of discipling the nations, is finally dissipating.

A return to a robust, no-frill historic orthodoxy, along with an optimistic, hope-filled view of the future will characterize the theological framework of a reformation in this country and the world. Our lack of civil engagement, our almost unanimous withdrawal from higher education, our surrender to secularism, our lack of focus on the arts, entertainment, and even politics are all coming to an end. Our world has suffered too long. The ambassadors of our culture and the representatives who were meant to change it and bring it to Christ have been preoccupied with escaping the world instead of engaging it. 

Christians Must Be Crazy

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

To get ahead one must have a crazy streak, in the good sense of the term. Depending on how you use this crazy streak, you can become either a saint or a hero. But if you are not helped and are led astray, you can also become a criminal. One who doesn’t have a crazy streak cannot become either a saint or a hero … Our heart must become foolhardy” St. Paisios the New of Mt. Athos.

Blackpilled to Godpilled

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by Steven Pake

Or: How Returning To Church For the First Time in 25 Years Changed My Life
I grew up in the Catholic church, but fell away from the church after leaving home for college in 1996, and have never attended church as an adult. Despite having had baptism and doing the things a good Catholic ought to do, I never established a connection with God or the church. But I still tried to live a very moral life and weather the storms, until it all crashed down on me.

This is the story of my return to Faith, the Church, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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