Gab News
by ThinkingWest
The word “democracy” appears exactly zero times in the United States Constitution. And yet, no form of government is celebrated with the same fervency as democracy. Recently, the phrase “Our Democracy” has been co-opted by nearly every politician as an attempt to appeal to the populace’s supposedly unshakeable faith in the voting process. Appeals to the fragility of “Our Democracy” are commonly made by political figures hoping to discredit rivals; rivals they unhesitatingly accuse of threatening that ancient Athenian inheritance. A keen extraterrestrial might conclude that many of the developed nations of the world embrace democracy as religion.
Masculinity will Save the World
We’ve all heard and repeated the mantra ad nauseam that, “politics is downstream from culture.”
It’s true, the Right fallaciously defined its investment solely based on the ROI in one’s bank account through the lens of one-dimensional capitalism. In turn, leaving all creative industries abandoned where we find faith-based and conservative artists in the middle of the desert with no home. The radicals swarmed in with their patronage and now control the dreamscapes of your progeny through their aesthetic stranglehold of the arts and entertainment. And so, we have widespread liberalism and atheism brainwashing generations ahead of us in all creative spaces. It’s time we start becoming active participants as either talent, collector, or patron. Every art gallery you visit in New York City, much like every church in the city, has either a Black Lives Matter or LGBTQ rainbow flag for a reason – in other words, “If you ain’t with us, you’re against us.”
by E. Wils
Despite Christians instructing the magistrate on how they must govern to honor God being the historic protestant position of political theory, many have attempted to malign Christians with the label of “Christian Nationalist” in an attempt to disarm them from public discourse on politics. This term has scared many Christians and caused them to reject Christian Nationalism. This article will respond to some of the major concerns many Christians have with what they perceive Christian Nationalism to be.
In October of 2018 Gab was banned from Paypal. The email we received from PayPal said that the company had made the decision as part of its “right to terminate your account for any reason and at any time upon notice to you.” Just like that a major source of our revenue was cut off from our business. From that moment forward we decided that we would never allow something like this to happen again. Not to Gab and not to anyone else who shares our values. We were going to build our own.
I am sitting up on a hillside in a camp chair on the land God has granted me. I am smelling one forest fire and gaze at the skeletons of trees from the last one. My hillside was burnt to the ground back in the 90s, and then again a few years later. Trees are made from nutrients pulled from the air, mostly, which is wild, and when they die and fall down, they make dirt. The opposed hillside in my valley is nothing but deadfall, there’s not even shrubbery. All of the dirt I see is essentially air turned into dead plants that turned into dirt.
The False Prophet of the Globalist American Empire Speaks
One of the most influential leaders in American evangelicalism has signaled how terrified he is that Christian Nationalism is gaining ground among the very people he is supposed to represent.
Russell Moore is one of the most influential leaders in institutional evangelical America. He was one of the top professors at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, influencing countless pastors in the largest denomination in the country, before becoming the head of that denomination’s lobbying group, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, before leaving that post and the denomination altogether to be the Editor-in-Chief of Christianity today.
Dear Chairwoman Maloney and Chairman Lynch:
Thank you for your letter dated August 19th, 2022 (the “Committee’s Letter”).
Gab’s mission is to be the home of free speech online. It seeks to export American values and freedom to the maximum extent permitted by American law to Internet users around the world. Gab concurs with the Committee’s view that these values protect offensive and unpopular speech, but not illegal speech, such as threats. Unlawful speech is not and has never been allowed on Gab.
Gab Community,
I’m writing to update you on the progress Gab has made over the summer and on our plans for the fall and into election season. Let me start off by saying that while Big Tech platforms ready their censorship plans for the midterms, Gab will once again be the only platform allowing the free flow of information and free speech in our community. We will not be and nor have we ever policed “misinformation” or “disinformation” or any other Communist buzzword the Regime wants to come up with to stifle dissent.
As we learned recently from Mark Zuckerberg’s interview with Joe Rogan, the Regime put pressure on Facebook to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story shortly before the 2020 election. While Facebook was suppressing this story and Twitter was outright blocking people from sharing it, Gab was the one social network on the internet that had the details of the story shared freely all over the platform.
It’s not our responsibility as a platform to decide what is “disinformation.” Our responsibility as a platform is to provide a place where people can speak freely online. Gab is the only alt-tech platform on the internet to fully protect any and all political speech–even speech we personally disagree with–which is why we continue to be the largest of all the alt-tech social networks despite not being on the App Stores, being blacklisted and shunned even by “conservative” media outlets, and being defamed by demonic mainstream media outlets.
If you add up the traffic and usage of all other alt-tech social networks combined Gab is still almost double their size and that margin is growing. This isn’t an accident. Gab is the place to be to find out what everyday people are actually thinking and talking about. Gab is the one place where normal people can share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas without fear of being censored, silenced, or harassed by some woke mob. Gab is the only place where free speech–the good, bad, and ugly–can be found. In a world that is increasing fake, phony, and manufactured Gab is a breath of fresh air and a dose of reality.
There’s an important story starting to gain some traction that needs more attention and support from the Gab community. An Amish farmer is facing jail and $300,000 in fines for his multi-year battle with the federal government to operate his self-sustainable farm. You can read the full story which was covered by The Lancaster Patriot here.
Today Gab received the letter below from Congress. We weren’t going to publicize it, but given that the Committee went to the press before we did there’s no point pretending that we didn’t get it.
This letter is a response to an article in the AP this morning. Director Wray, We share your concern over threats of violence against law…