Earlier this year I wrote about the need to build our own parallel economy in order to escape the never-ending barrage of anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-White, anti-family, and anti-God corporate culture in the American Oligarch Regime’s economy.
Gab News
The following is a guest post by Kathy Barnette, candidate for the US Senate in Pennsylvania. You can learn more about Kathy and support her campaign here.
Samizdat, which is Russian for “self-publishing,” got its name after being used by Russian dissidents amidst the rise of censorship in the USSR. Dissidents would self-publish “banned” information, or what some might call “hate speech” today, and risk their lives distributing it.
The first step on the path to exiting the Enemy’s system of control is to realize that you’re in it. Every TV show, every movie, and every newscast is owned and controlled by a handful of companies. It’s the same story with the banks, the tech companies, and much more.
I am not going to stop pushing back against this experimental covid vaccine. WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT LAB RATS. I’ve seen far too many horror stories and this is too important.
I’ve been writing about concepts like building our own economy and the silent Christian secession for months now, but things are accelerating even faster then I anticipated at the tyrannical hands of the Globalist American Empire.
Everything about the Chauvin trial and the media coverage of it showcases the subversion and transformation of our justice system into one of a third-world banana republic.
Today Apple announced that they would be allowing Establishment Oligarch-owned Parler back on the Apple App Store. This comes after Parler ousted their pro-free speech CEO and Founder John Matze, who claims that his 40% stake in the company was stolen from him. After removing Matze Parler implemented a “troll filter” to censor “trolling content,” whatever that means.
This week two incredible stories broke from real journalists who report uncomfortable truths that are of great importance to The People. The only problem is tens of millions of people won’t have any clue about these important stories, including many of our family and friends.
It’s not from lack of coverage or attention on the stories, but rather because Facebook and Twitter scrubbed the stories from the Big Tech internet and Big Media scrubbed them from the airwaves.
As I wrote earlier this week, the ADL is a wicked organization with the business model of finding “hate” under every rock and smearing good people who are speaking the truth, especially the Truth of God’s Word.
Over the course of five years Gab has been attacked and smeared by many different Jewish groups including the ADL for simply defending free speech online. Now today the ADL is trying to cancel Tucker Carlson for daring to speak the truth about the reality of demographic replacement that is absolutely and unequivocally going on in The West. These are not “hateful” statements, they objective facts that can no longer be ignored.
In February I explained the many reasons that the Oligarchs fear Christianity. Their attacks on Christians started shortly after the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol on January 6th. Suddenly Christian Nationalism was a “threat to our democracy.” “Radicalized Christian nationalism is one of the biggest threats facing the US” wrote Business Insider.
Give me a break.