Big Tech Sinister Psychosis and the Remembrance of God Guest Post, July 25, 2022July 25, 2022 Share this:by Fr. Zechariah Lynch Originally published on July 21, 2022 at “The progress of technology had led and is still leading to just such a concentration and centralization of power” Aldous Huxley. “Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and the cares of… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Christian Nationalism and The Machete of Disobfuscation Guest Post, July 21, 2022July 21, 2022 Share this:by Pastor Doug Wilson One of the things that everybody needs to be braced for is a spate of articles, books, think pieces, documentaries, and the like on the rising threat of Christian nationalism. That being the case, you are likely to hear a lot about it from me as… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Fr. Seraphim Rose: Pathfinder for Americans to Ancient Christianity Guest Post, July 14, 2022July 14, 2022 Share this:by Timothy Honeycutt Fr. Seraphim Rose has inspired millions around the world toward one end: the pursuit of Christ without compromise. From his humble monastery in the mountains of Northern California, this Orthodox Christian priest, monk, and missionary, penetrated the heart of ancient Christianity and drew his fellow Americans into… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Christian Nationalism and Other Things That Skeered Us Real Bad Guest Post, July 12, 2022July 12, 2022 Share this:by Pastor Doug Wilson If you are an evangelical, you believe that Christ gave us the task of proclaiming the gospel of Christ to others, in the hope of persuading them to repent of their sins and believe the gospel. If you still have the name evangelical, but you don’t believe that… Continue Reading
Go And Build One Food to Rule Them All Guest Post, July 11, 2022January 23, 2023 Share this:by David Treebeard There is a quiet storm wreaking havoc in the world of food and farming. Processing plants, warehouses, and refineries are burning down at suspicious rates. Two of the world’s largest producers of wheat (and fertilizer) are currently in a war with no end in sight. Countries like… Continue Reading
Go And Build Christ, “Climate Change,” and True Ecosophia Guest Post, June 25, 2022January 23, 2023 Share this:by David Treebeard As Christians, we know that “climate change” is obviously real. It’s so real that it can devastate entire nations in the span of a week. And the realest part of all is that climate change is anthropogenic: human-caused. But we also know that climate change has nothing to… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Let’s Stop LARPing Guest Post, June 23, 2022June 23, 2022 Share this:by Skorr Ever since I first encountered the dissident right on 4chan, I’ve noticed a trend of what we can call BASED Christianity, or LARPing. (Live Action RolePlay, a term used these days to denote someone pretending to be something that they really aren’t for shallow purposes). If you spend… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Cult of the Supreme Being Guest Post, June 8, 2022June 8, 2022 Share this:by Defend Europa On the 8th of June 1794, Maximilian Robespierre, a French revolutionary leader, descended from a man-made mountain in a festival procession at the Champ de Mars. It was the day of the festival for the “Cult of the Supreme Being”, a new religious holiday with a matching… Continue Reading
Aesthetics The Importance of Fairy Tales for Children Guest Post, June 6, 2022October 24, 2022 Share this:by ThinkingWest For the past year, I’ve been reading stories from classic children’s anthologies (many printed in the 1940s – 1960s era) to my kids before bed. One such collection of stories is from a series called Childcraft, which I find so aptly named since reading good stories is so critical… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Talking our Way out of Rocky Horror: Guest Post, May 31, 2022May 31, 2022 Share this:Why Gender Restoration is the Culture War Part 1: Introduction by Kilts Khalfan Will there be any culture left when the culture war is over? Our culture is what we hand on to our children, but the West isn’t having children. The birth rates are down, and people are wondering… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Mass Shooting and Liberal Utopian Society Guest Post, May 27, 2022June 3, 2022 Share this:A Feature, Not a Bug… by Pastor Andrew Isker In the last two weeks, there have been two mass shootings in the United States, and the second took place this week at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. These shootings have reignited the regime’s already intense desire for a disarmed… Continue Reading
Christian Living If God Exists, Why Do Bad Things Happen? Guest Post, May 23, 2022May 23, 2022 Share this:by Roosh V. Atheists commonly ask why bad things happen if we were created by God. If God is all good, shouldn’t we exist in Paradise right now, never encountering suffering for even a moment? This barbarian argument shows a lack of understanding of God’s will and His plan of… Continue Reading