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Posts published in “Bold Christian Writing”

Building a Brighter Future

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All the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of a single candle

by D.L. Marshall

With the current global situation, together we can, and will build a brighter future. In other to give meaningful suggestions for this, we first need to speak candidly about what’s happening in the world at present. It appears for real, that there are factions within the world’s power elite that desire at all costs to exert as much control as possible over the people of the world. It will surprise you that their primary means for establishing control are through causing destabilization, promoting fear, secrecy, polarization, and distracting people from their deeper and core purpose in life. The irony of this is that when these factions and principalities gain greater power and control, our freedoms and liberties will be increasingly taken away, sometimes without us even realizing it.

Why You Must Read The Case For Christian Nationalism

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

The Case For Christian Nationalism by Stephen Wolfe is the definitive argument for both the existence of things called “nations” and for that entity adopting the Christian religion. In September, Andrew Torba and I published Christian Nationalism, and we intended it as a digestible introduction and defense of the movement to renew and recover America’s heritage as a Christian nation. Wolfe, a political scientist with a Ph.D. and fellowship at Princeton, has written a detailed deep dive into the topic. If the book Christian Nationalism, whets your appetite, Wolfe’s 400+ page book, The Case for Christian Nationalism, is the seven-course meal you crave.

What makes Wolfe’s book so important?

Patient Reform in the Globalist American Empire

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Republished in entirety from the Theopolis Institute

American Christians presently live in a world that is a mix of the Soviet Union, the Weimar Republic, Children of Men, and Idiocracy

You may think this is an overstatement but it is not. We are experiencing an intense acceleration of very long-term societal decline—economic prospects for young people are below what their grandparents enjoyed, public services which had been taken for granted are beginning to disappear, bridges are collapsing, highways are increasingly in disrepair, the ruling regime enjoys total authority of the lives of its subjects, it has locked them in their homes, shut down their businesses, closed their churches, and forced them to submit to medical experimentation to maintain employment. It has arrayed the full force of the security state against disfavored political figures, engaged in farcical election seasons of ballot harvesting in lieu of lawful elections, it has legally mandated that sodomy be celebrated as though it were holy matrimony. The insanity of transgenderism is treated by all our institutions as perfectly sane and licit, even to the extent that children are having their genitals mutilated by renowned physicians at our most revered medical institutions. All of this has happened so fast that you might not fully comprehend just how bad things really are.

Dangers of Democracy

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by ThinkingWest

The word “democracy” appears exactly zero times in the United States Constitution. And yet, no form of government is celebrated with the same fervency as democracy. Recently, the phrase “Our Democracy” has been co-opted by nearly every politician as an attempt to appeal to the populace’s supposedly unshakeable faith in the voting process. Appeals to the fragility of “Our Democracy” are commonly made by political figures hoping to discredit rivals; rivals they unhesitatingly accuse of threatening that ancient Athenian inheritance. A keen extraterrestrial might conclude that many of the developed nations of the world embrace democracy as religion.

Blood & Fire

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Masculinity will Save the World

by Arthur Kwon Lee

We’ve all heard and repeated the mantra ad nauseam that, “politics is downstream from culture.”

It’s true, the Right fallaciously defined its investment solely based on the ROI in one’s bank account through the lens of one-dimensional capitalism. In turn, leaving all creative industries abandoned where we find faith-based and conservative artists in the middle of the desert with no home. The radicals swarmed in with their patronage and now control the dreamscapes of your progeny through their aesthetic stranglehold of the arts and entertainment. And so, we have widespread liberalism and atheism brainwashing generations ahead of us in all creative spaces. It’s time we start becoming active participants as either talent, collector, or patron. Every art gallery you visit in New York City, much like every church in the city, has either a Black Lives Matter or LGBTQ rainbow flag for a reason – in other words, “If you ain’t with us, you’re against us.”

Every Christian is a Christian Nationalist

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by E. Wils

Despite Christians instructing the magistrate on how they must govern to honor God being the historic protestant position of political theory, many have attempted to malign Christians with the label of “Christian Nationalist” in an attempt to disarm them from public discourse on politics. This term has scared many Christians and caused them to reject Christian Nationalism. This article will respond to some of the major concerns many Christians have with what they perceive Christian Nationalism to be.

Regime Evangelicals are Terrified of Christian Nationalism:

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The False Prophet of the Globalist American Empire Speaks

by Pastor Andrew Isker

One of the most influential leaders in American evangelicalism has signaled how terrified he is that Christian Nationalism is gaining ground among the very people he is supposed to represent. 

Russell Moore is one of the most influential leaders in institutional evangelical America. He was one of the top professors at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, influencing countless pastors in the largest denomination in the country, before becoming the head of that denomination’s lobbying group, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, before leaving that post and the denomination altogether to be the Editor-in-Chief of Christianity today.

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