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Green Pass to the Abyss: Mass Surveillance and Technocratic Slavery

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch / Inkless Pen Blog

This post was originally published here, on the author’s personal web journal

Everyone will now become his own prison guard,” Jacques Attali.

In April of 2021, I penned an article entitled, Health Passports, Economic Coercion, and the Number of a Man. In that post, I addressed the clear and looming agenda of “health passports.” Sadly, the article is still very relevant. I wish it were not and I could write and say, “I got that wrong!” Yet, as I write this current article “health passports” are being aggressively pushed forward around the globe.

Such passports have very little to do with actual health. Health is a very convenient cover for introducing a tyrannical and technocratic form of population control. Its goal is a form of slavery – total dominance slavery. To all, this should be a clear line. As you read this, whether you have received the current injections or not, once the mechanism of a passport is in place it will not be removed, at least it will be removed only with great difficulty. Once you yield the authority to the powers that be in the form of a “health passport,” you have freely begun to lock yourself in prison chains, digital though they may be, which as we shall see have the prospect of being more controlling than any actual chains.

I appeal to all: resist at all costs the “health passport” system. Having nothing to do with it.

On Christian Femininity

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by Robyn Riley

No path is as fraught with as much deception, trickery, and artifice in modern times as that of the path to womanhood. From all angles and the early stages of childhood, women are ambushed with ideas about the best way to be who they are and more importantly what they are not. Messages of how they should think about femininity, sexuality, love, marriage, motherhood, spirituality, and vocation are all dominated by secular voices most often coming from pop feminism.

         Women scoff at the thought of seeking biblical wisdom or God’s guidance in their journey to adulthood and yet still wonder why they are so miserable. Modern women are never satiated in their continuous pleasure-seeking and are usually left feeling empty inside though surrounded by material wealth.

Being Trailblazers

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Passions Becoming Roads – Examples of Participation in the Parallel Christian Economy and Society

by Nathan & Kim Lawson

Building a parallel economy honestly sounds daunting and grandiose to us. We have a hard time not rationalizing that it’s someone else’s problem and when they have it solved, they can let us know.

Reality Check: it is our problem, and yours. Because our very existence and way of life have been moved out of the “being threatened” category and into the “currently under attack” category. As things stand now, we have a short window here to prepare. Even if this does pan out to be resolved peacefully, we are no longer interested in settling into what used to be the norm. Whether we like it or not, at least half of our own country strives to remove the other half not just from a seat at the table but from existence. Concepts and events such as COVID and “being inclusive” are tools to make this happen. It has been an odd realization to accept that what we consider normal is now considered parallel to normal.

If you are like us, you may be asking yourself, “How do I move in this direction? How can I be proactive in this changing environment, so that I am not caught off-guard and unprepared? Do I seriously have to become a survivalist with a bunker, food pantry, emergency Bug Out Bag with a windup radio at the ready for the impending doom?” You could – no one is saying any of these actions are harmful or a bad idea. But at the same time, we believe there are three practical, day-to-day steps that can slowly adjust the rudder in your life to steer you more towards a parallel existence. And quite possibly, you have accomplished one or two of these steps already! If need be, for more info on these steps, we’re only a short text message away. Give us a follow at GIJoeGuy!

The Real Big Tech Exodus

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One year ago this week the largest Big Tech exodus in history occurred when millions of people joined Gab. Two perfect storm events led to this inflection point and awakening of the masses. First, Donald Trump was banned from Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the internet while he was still a sitting President. At the same time Parler, the darling of the conservative establishment billionaire class, was removed from the internet by Amazon, Apple, and Google.

You’re Doing Money All Wrong

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by Danielle Tate

You are a responsible, patriotic, God-fearing contributor to society. Unfortunately, you’ve been taught a lie about how to be responsible with money. You’re handing money all wrong and it shows. What if you could make one change and begin a transformation that will put you back in control and give less money to big-bank corporations?

Growing up, I knew two things about money:  Pay bills and put food on the table.  That was the cycle week after week, paycheck after paycheck. This was the cycle before I filed bankruptcy in 2002 and the cycle when my husband and I married in 2003. It continued for seven years and when things hit a wall it was obvious we had believed a huge lie about good intentions and responsibility.

This cycle is not just wrong, it is irresponsible. And if you’re paying bills and putting food on the table while swimming in a mound of big-bank pocket lining debts you’re not as responsible as you think. But there is hope…

Electric Magi in Quest of the Light

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By Rachel Fulton Brown and Kilts Khalfan

We live in dark times for Christian storytelling. Movies, television, comics, and games have all gone over to the dark side, serving the Lord of this World through dreams of power and subversion. We wanted to write a Christian story to combat the grooming and blasphemous worship of the seducers and baby-killers, while at the same time introducing children and their parents to the Light which the Enlightenment denied.

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good Christians?

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by Padraig Martin

It can be heartbreaking and painful. You pour your heart and soul into the full embrace of the Lord Jesus Christ. You love Him and you know that He loves you. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a tragedy strikes. It may be a fire, a betrayal, or the unexpected death of a loved one. Suddenly, you find yourself angry, sad, or a mixture of both. You may be tempted to question and perhaps even yell at God Himself. As a good Christian, your faith is shaken, and you naturally ask, “Why?” That question is bigger than you may have ever really considered: Why do bad things happen to good Christians? Yet, as big as that question may be, the answer is simple to the faithful. Let’s explore it.

Gab Is a Sleeping Giant

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A record number of Americans “quit their jobs” this November, or that is to say they were either forced to quit their jobs or got fired for refusing to inject themselves with an experimental substance. Millions more are biding their time as our federal government tries to force businesses with over 100 employees to mandate vaccination in order to retain employment. Soon the parallel economy I’ve been writing about won’t just be an idea, it will become necessary. That’s why we have been working so hard over the past year to build the tools and infrastructure to power this parallel economy. 

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