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Why Do I Need To Know Everything?

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by Roosh V.

We live in an age where the authorities label truth as falsehood, and falsehood truth. I can’t take anyone’s word for anything, and have to do my own research on the most trivial of matters, such as if a tablespoon of safflower oil in my cashew butter is going to start a cascade reaction in my body that leads to an untimely stroke. The authorities have abused me for so long that I can no longer trust them. I have to become an expert on everything, and I hate it.

In the past, you became an expert within a specific domain. For men, that meant farming, war, or governance. You spent most of your waking hours perfecting your skill in those fields, and trusted other experts for matters which you did not know. Today, the experts are liars. They will say anything the oligarchs want to keep their jobs and maintain a pleasurable lifestyle. We don’t have experts anymore, only shills, marketers, and traitors to mankind. The “experts” have declared this additive to be safe in food, but they lie for profit, and I must search online for the real story. This takes time and does not guarantee the information I’ll receive is accurate, but if I care the least bit about my health, I have no choice. After doing this for several years, I realize that I don’t have just one job (writer) but several…

Investing in the Gab Community

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Over the past five and half years Gab has been building infrastructure to ensure that free speech is preserved online for all people at all costs. Gab is no longer simply the “Twitter alternative,” we are the complete solution to all of Silicon Valley.

In the past 30 days alone we’ve had over 90 million visits to Gab, which is up from 70 million in November. That’s more than most of the “mainstream” news sites and that number is exploding in growth.

The Symbolism of the Supra

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by Daniel Padrnos

The Supra is essentially a banquet feast in which the tamada, the toast master, leads the table through various themes by speaking words in the form of poetic toasts. The nature of the toasts, the food, and the embedded rituals of the Supra deeply reflect the ethos of Orthodox Christianity, the religion adopted by the nation in the 4th century. It is said that the Supra emerged from the ancient Agape feast, the early church tradition commemorating the Last Supper shared by Christ and his disciples.2 The Supra did not supplant the fundamental Christian ritual of the Divine Liturgy but should rather be understood as an overflowing of sacred liturgical life into the world. Therefore it is no coincidence that the traditional cosmic symbolism of Genesis permeates the Supra, and hence Georgian culture, even today. Like many traditional rituals, the Supra is a way for participants to be united in community, cultivate awareness of cosmic forces, partake in the beauty and wonder of the universe and recognize when created things fall out of line with their ultimate spiritual ends.

This essay will explore the cosmic symbolism of the Supra, using Matthieu Pageau’s commentary on the traditional cosmology of Genesis, The Language of Creation as a guide.

The Way of the Warrior

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

The way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death” Miyamoto Musashi.

The Lord, speaking to us through His servant Joshua, says, “Behold, I have commanded you. Be strong and courageous. Do not be cowardly or fearful, for the Lord your God is with you in all things, wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

The Lord instructed the children of Israel through the prophet Moses, “I set before you today life and death, good and evil. If you hear the commandments of the Lord your God I have commanded you today, to love the Lord your God, and walk in His ways, and keep His ordinances and judgments, you shall live and multiply … but if your hearts turn away and you do not hear, but go astray and worship different gods and serve them, I announce to you today, you shall perish” (Deut. 30:15ff).

Truly the same is true to this day for all who are of the House of the Lord. Following in the way of Jesus Christ is Life. Willful compromise of the way will only end in destruction.

The Goals of Secular Re-education and the Heart of Man

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways” (Prov. 23:25/26)1

The secular world seeks to dull and desensitize the heart. It fears living hearts, full of grace and love for Christ Jesus. It does not fear the pseudo-jesus of modernity’s spineless ecumenism. In fact, such a pseudo-jesus is actively promoted. It only serves secularism’s goal of a heartless religion, one imprisoned in the flow of emotions that have not been purified of the passions.

A heart that is not undergoing purification in Christ is easily manipulated by the false appeals of compassion, unity, care, and tolerance that the secular world makes. Men will give their hearts to something. Thus, we witness around us an immense battle for the hearts and minds of people. What will educate and inform our hearts and minds?

F.O.C.U.S. – PART 1

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Look away from FEAR, past your OBSTACLES. Walk with CHRIST, in UNITY with others, and make a road that allows you to thrive in the SECURITY that demonstrates your hope is secure.

by Nathan & Kim Lawson

In our last article, we laid out examples and methods for stepping out into an alternative lifestyle, a variety of a parallel Christian society. These were tools that we used to successfully blaze a trail that is only beginning to be paved. We cannot be sure about you as the reader, but we were so content with mainstream American consumerism that we did not have the clarity to see that we only seemed to be fulfilled. Despite a myriad list of life struggles within this lifestyle, there was still this security that we now believe is lost to a growing number of us. This is the highs of our great culture and Western society, those that supported our empty pursuit of happiness. This is no longer the case, with a major factor being our head-first dive into ever more reliance on Big-Tech structures at the turn of the century.

Should you Homeschool?

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There’s been an explosion in the popularity of homeschooling over the last two years. Here’s why, and how you can get started with homeschooling

by Rachel Wilson

American life has changed a lot in the last two years since COVID-19 quarantines began. Two of the biggest changes are the number of Americans who now work remotely, and the number of families homeschooling. The move toward homeschooling is a response to COVID-19 as well as dissatisfaction with the public school system. In the spring of 2021, The U.S. Census Bureau conducted a survey of American households with school-age children. The survey found that 5.4% were homeschooling. This meant twice as many people were homeschooling compared to before the pandemic. When the survey was repeated just six months later in the fall of 2021, the number of homeschoolers jumped to 11.1%. [1]

This World is Not Our Home

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

Many lose their true home because they have greater love for the road that leads them there. Let us not love the road rather than our home, in case we should lose our eternal home … Let us keep to this principle, therefore, that we should live as travelers and pilgrims on the road … free of lusts and earthly desires, but let us fill our mind with heavenly and spiritual forms,” St. Columbanus.

Give Me Your Germs

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by Kevin Cullen

Entering into a country isn’t as straightforward as presenting a border agent with your passport (and these days—a PCR test) and traipsing through customs at the airport. That process, the physical act of crossing a border, is merely a shadow of another, more profound crossing that happens on some other less tangible plane of reality.

What does it really mean then to enter into a country? The surface-dwelling visitor (i.e. the tourist) is content to know the physical geography of a place; its ski slopes and hiking trails, its coastlines, beaches and museums. But authentic immersion requires somehow penetrating to a more subterranean, treacherous strata of national topography and attractions; that of a nation’s collective unconscious. It means charting the peaks and valleys of a nation’s neuroses, its hinterlands of domestic ecstasies, its marshlands of child-eyed dreams and despair. It means finding that basement bar hidden beneath the basement bar, where its ancient epics and folklore and ballads are secretly brewed.

Faith Over Fear

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by Dr. Alan Bradford, NMD, ADS

We have just finished celebrating the Christmas season. The nativity story is fresh in our minds. Maybe the decorations are still displayed in our homes. The first words from heaven that would herald the birth of our Savior were from the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary:

Fear not, Mary: for thou has found favor with God.” (Luke 1:30)

A similar greeting was extended to the husband of her cousin, announcing the birth of the
Baptist, who would prepare the way for Jesus:

Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.” (Luke 1:13)

Months later, this same heavenly greeting was extended to the shepherds, watching their flocks:

Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)

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