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Gab News

Gab’s Response To The ADL

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A hit piece was published this morning in the Washington Post and Newsweek based on a “report” published by the ADL. The report highlights how people post Gab links on Twitter that the ADL doesn’t like.

Twitter is so low on our referral source traffic list that it doesn’t even register in our top 15 sources of traffic. Yet that’s what the ADL targeted because they have no power anywhere else. 95% of our traffic is direct, meaning we don’t depend on Google, Twitter, Facebook, or anyone else. People come directly to Gab. 

Kingdom of God Economics

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Today I built a desk out of some lumber I picked up from the local yard this week. It’s a remarkable way to express myself and build incredibly useful furniture for around the house. I’m learning new skills, refining the art of carpentry, and getting some much needed time away from the chaos of our fallen world and the City of Man.

Balkanization is Already Here for The Divided States of America

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Today the long awaited Arizona 2020 election audit results are being released. We are already seeing two distinct versions of “reality” forming. The Cabal media and the rest of the Regime machine is already framing it as a win for themselves.

The Beginnings of a New Parallel Economy On Gab

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For the month of September we have been running an invite-only beta test of Gab Ads with hand-picked advertisers of all shapes and sizes. We tried our best to pick a wide variety of businesses and services that best reflect our community and represent a budding new parallel economy on Gab.

Our advertisers are newly established businesses, small business owners, well established businesses, politicians, a famous rock band, and a Christian crowdfunding site that is an alternative to GoFundMe to name a few.

Germany Wants To Force Gab To Censor, It’s Not Happening

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This week we received a huge packet of documents with fines and legal threats from the nation state of Germany. Gab is refusing, and has refused for many years, to comply with the German Network Enforcement Act. Gab is a US company and as such we are under zero obligation to obey foreign laws from tyrannical governments.

How To Survive In a Post-Truth World Of Chaos

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How can you think straight and make rational decisions when each and everyday you hear conflicting and contradictory information from “authoritative” sources? You can’t. No one can. That’s the whole point. That’s why the powers that be are doing this. Welcome to the secular hell of a post-truth world.

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