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Gab News

The Time For Lukewarm Christianity is Over

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Brothers and Sisters,

For many Americans Christianity has become a rapidly deconstructed fragment of their actual identity. People refer to themselves as a “Christian” when asked about matters of faith, but you won’t find them openly proclaiming Christ as their central identity.

How many of us are living according to God’s Word and how many are living according to the ways of the world?

In my early twenties I was calling myself a Christian, but I was living a very worldly life. God came secondary to my career and worldly desires. I wasn’t attending church. I wasn’t reading my Bible. I wasn’t praying. What part of me was living a Christian life that could justify calling myself a Christian?

That all changed a few years ago when the Holy Spirit moved my heart closer to God. Starting and scaling Gab has been one of the most challenging and rewarding things I have ever done in my life. I can say with great confidence that without my faith Gab would not exist today. It would have failed many times over.

The more The Enemy attacked and persecuted me, the closer God drew me into His loving embrace. I started attending church, got married, became a father, and humbled myself as the worst of sinners before an Almighty God.

This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.

1 Timothy 1:15

This Palm Sunday I was baptized as we are commanded by Christ in Matthew 28:19. I invite you to watch my baptism and testimony here. I pray that it inspires even one soul to return to Christ and commit their lives to Him.

Gab Welcomes Texas GOP Chairman Allen West To Our Community

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Today Gab is thrilled to welcome Texas GOP Chairman Allen West to the Gab community! Chairman West joins Gab just days after the liberal subversives who have invaded the Texas GOP voted in favor of deplatforming themselves from Gab amidst a wave of censorship from Big Tech platforms.

Gab Next

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As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the security, scalability, and performance of Gab Social I wanted to let the Gab community know our plans for the next few months. In early March we began to lay the groundwork for Gab Next, a totally rebuilt Gab Social on top of our HYDRA infrastructure.

Security Notification

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Dear Gab user:

What Happened?

We are writing to inform you that, on February 28th, 2021, Gab AI, Inc. (“Gab”) became aware that it was potentially the victim of security incident in which a bad actor gained unauthorized access to the systems and networks used to operate the Gab platform.  We have reported the incident to law enforcement.   

Have Faith, The Kids Are Christian Nationalists

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To many in the Christian faith it may appear like all hope is lost. Christians are being persecuted around the world including in the United States of America. Critical race theory has subverted many churches and millions of people who claim to be Christians are spreading the false imitation gospel of “social justice” instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and distorting the Truth of God’s Word.

I received an email today that made my week and it was too good not to share with you all. It gives me hope and faith for the future of Christendom and thus the future of America. God is on the move, hallelujah!  

Addressing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Statement About Gab

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Every month 30 million people use Gab’s services to get access to the free flow of information online. Gab is the home of free speech in a world where Big Tech oligarchs have censored, deplatformed, and demonized tens of millions of good, honest, and decent people with whom they disagree politically.

Another Update On The Gab Breach

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I’m writing to update the Gab community with what we know about the breach that occurred this week. As I have already mentioned we are conducting our own internal investigation. We are also working with federal law enforcement to assist with their investigation of the breach, criminal ransom demands and the numerous threats of violence that were directed at our team. Finally, we have hired one of the best rapid response security teams in the world to investigate the breach. 

Made in USA by Christians ✝️