At Gab we value your privacy. Privacy is a crucial component to speaking freely. If you have to worry about not being able to provide for your family anymore because an angry mob of lunatics pressures your employer to fire you, you’re not going to be able to speak freely–if at all. So protecting the privacy of our users is top of mind right now as the Spiritual War unfolds before our eyes, especially as we continue to lay the groundwork for Gab’s Parallel Economy.
Posts tagged as “gab”
Men are men. Women are women. A man cannot become a woman. A woman cannot become a man. Men are better at some things than women. Women are better at some things than men. Marriage is between a man and a woman. We should not kill babies. Children should not be exploited or abused. Men should protect and provide for the family. Women should nurture and care for the family.
We wanted to write a quick note to update you on some of our progress with the Parallel Economy on Gab. There are now over 3,700 businesses in the Parallel Economy! The Parallel Economy hashtag on Gab has over 37,000 posts from many of these businesses so be sure to check that out to discover goods and services from people who share your values. You can promote your business in the Parallel Economy by running ads on Gab here. We’ve greatly expanded our Parallel Economy ad network to include video ads, advanced targeting options, and much more. Participating in the Parallel Economy on Gab is a great way to start or grow your business.
At Gab our goal is to empower and inspire you to Go And Build, not only in the digital world but also in the physical world as well. Our philosophy has always been very simple: instead of wasting our time “fighting” the existing system, we must start anew and build our own systems which are grounded on the firm foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ and the sovereignty comes with that walk in faith.
I was talking with a friend the other day who was telling some people he recently met about Gab. These folks were the ideal Gabbers: salt of the earth types who fully understand that Big Tech is evil and free speech is important.
Many people have been asking me what I think about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter for $44 billion dollars. In this letter I’m going to tell you what this means for Gab and provide my analysis of the situation as someone who has been trailblazing free speech infrastructure on the internet for nearly six years.
This morning Elon Musk sent Twitter’s Board an offer to buy the entire company for $40B+. As I wrote last week, anything that explicitly has the aim of bringing more free speech to the internet for more people is a good thing.
My take on the “Groomer Question” (GQ) is really very simple: if the Regime wants to play the indoctrinate children game we’re going to do it better and create a generation of crusaders for Christ.
Try and stop us, lol.
The right needs to immediately build on the momentum of the anti-groomer and anti-CRT movement that is happening in small local communities across the country and push the Overton Window even further. Now is not the time to cheer from the sidelines, it’s time to get in the arena and win.
Many people are asking me what my thoughts are on Elon Musk buying 9% of Twitter’s stock and joining their Board of Directors.
Over the past few months we have been buying six figures worth of server hardware in order to massively expand the Gab Cloud infrastructure which…
by Beavs
The parallel economy is the most exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs since HTML and the dot-com boom. Some Americans have realized this, and have built their latest ventures on alternative tech in states that value freedom and prosperity. Others don’t see this massive gold mine of opportunity yet, dooming their businesses to the inherently rigged games hidden behind big tech infrastructure.
I’m writing this post today because I want more people to wake up to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Forget all the politics, censorship, lies, and corruption with mainstream platforms for the moment, and think about building something that lasts in the parallel economy. Gab has already proven there to be a market for alternative technology, so ask yourself:
- How can I play a vital part in this new movement?
- What skills do I have that others would benefit from?
- How can I impact others with similar values and beliefs?
By the end of this post, I hope you feel inspired to create solutions for our society and its problems, instead of just complaining about them as most people do. This is your sign.
The entire nation state of Russia is getting the “Gab treatment” by Big Tech and the globalist regime.
By that I mean they are being systematically purged from the internet all within the span of about a week.