There are tens of millions of people on Gab who share your values and want to support your business in the Parallel Economy. In this post we are going to walk you through the basics of running your first ad campaign on and give you some tips to make sure your campaign is successful.
Posts tagged as “gab”
By Andrew Isker
A little over a month ago, Tucker Carlson presented a monologue on his show which set off conservative intelligentsia into a fit of impotent rage. The National Review types, who, to a man are as much in touch with the plight of the working man as they are willing and able to change their own oil, were apoplectic that he dare besmirch the economic system that has made our elites rich. Their furor can be summed up as “why don’t those dumb Oxycontin-addled hillbillies just accept some personal responsibility and get a job?” It might be a tiny stretch to say an Ivy League lawyer, a professional blogger, another Ivy League lawyer, and a Wall Street investment banker might not have an entirely accurate understanding of what life is like for poor, rural Americans in 2019.
It is clear that is quickly becoming the center of authentic debate and discussion for the 2022 Midterm Elections. Gab is the only social platform on the internet that allows people to discuss the most important issues of our time without getting shadowbanned, censored, or deplatformed.
I’ve had the China Virus for about a week now. It was only a matter of time and to be frank I’m glad I finally got it so I can build up my natural immunity with the immune system God gave me.
Every fall I try to take time to sit and reflect on how God has worked in my life over the past year to prepare myself for the most blessed Advent Season. This year in particular I am overwhelmed by the goodness and grace of God’s work in my life.
Despite the chaos, noise, and wickedness going on around me in this fallen world I have never in my life felt closer to God. The fruits of the Spirit are plenty and God’s Grace has overflowed my cup.
Today it was announced that OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is forcing employers with over 100 employees to comply with President Biden’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate by January 4th, 2022 or face heavy fines.
I have to say I’m pretty apathetic when it comes to political “victories” these days. After 2020, it’s tough to have faith in any elections in this country, even ones where we get a perceived “victory.” These people are all controlled and allowed to win for a reason. They get in and nothing ever changes, it just continues getting worse.
I have been receiving dozens of direct messages on Gab over the past week with people from around the country sharing the horrors from inside…
A hit piece was published this morning in the Washington Post and Newsweek based on a “report” published by the ADL. The report highlights how people post Gab links on Twitter that the ADL doesn’t like.
Twitter is so low on our referral source traffic list that it doesn’t even register in our top 15 sources of traffic. Yet that’s what the ADL targeted because they have no power anywhere else. 95% of our traffic is direct, meaning we don’t depend on Google, Twitter, Facebook, or anyone else. People come directly to Gab.
Lately I’ve been reading the many responses to my calls for a parallel Christian society in order to better understand how to further refine the idea and put it into practice. Let me tell you there is something really special unfolding behind the scenes.
Today the long awaited Arizona 2020 election audit results are being released. We are already seeing two distinct versions of “reality” forming. The Cabal media and the rest of the Regime machine is already framing it as a win for themselves.
For the month of September we have been running an invite-only beta test of Gab Ads with hand-picked advertisers of all shapes and sizes. We tried our best to pick a wide variety of businesses and services that best reflect our community and represent a budding new parallel economy on Gab.
Our advertisers are newly established businesses, small business owners, well established businesses, politicians, a famous rock band, and a Christian crowdfunding site that is an alternative to GoFundMe to name a few.