Today the long awaited Arizona 2020 election audit results are being released. We are already seeing two distinct versions of “reality” forming. The Cabal media and the rest of the Regime machine is already framing it as a win for themselves.
Posts published in “Free Speech”
Today President Trump wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal explaining why he is suing Big Tech. Earlier this week he held a press conference about the suit after hyping up a “big announcement” on free speech the week before.
The following is a guest post by Kathy Barnette, candidate for the US Senate in Pennsylvania. You can learn more about Kathy and support her campaign here.
The first step on the path to exiting the Enemy’s system of control is to realize that you’re in it. Every TV show, every movie, and every newscast is owned and controlled by a handful of companies. It’s the same story with the banks, the tech companies, and much more.
I’ve been writing about concepts like building our own economy and the silent Christian secession for months now, but things are accelerating even faster then I anticipated at the tyrannical hands of the Globalist American Empire.
Everything about the Chauvin trial and the media coverage of it showcases the subversion and transformation of our justice system into one of a third-world banana republic.
As I wrote earlier this week, the ADL is a wicked organization with the business model of finding “hate” under every rock and smearing good people who are speaking the truth, especially the Truth of God’s Word.
The “conservatives” defending Pornhub after both Mastercard and Visa rightfully deplatformed them from monetizing illegal child exploitation are not conservative at all. They are libertine losers. Pornhub doesn’t just deserve to be deplatformed by Mastercard and Visa, the people running it deserve to be in jail.
Last week I wrote about the unification of the American Populist movement and posited that God should be the center of the movement as the Creator that unites us. I’ve been obsessively thinking about unity lately, something that this country and indeed entire the Western world lacks.
It’s time to have a discussion about the future of the American Populist Movement. I’m not going to use the word “Republican” or “Democrat” because those words have become associated with spineless, gutless, sellout traitors who hate America and do not act in the interest of the American people.
“Reporting in live on this week’s episode of Color Revolution, from the Communist-controlled People’s Banana Republic of Pennsylvania it’s resident dissident wrong thinker, Andrew Torba!”