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Posts tagged as “gab”

Investing in the Gab Community

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Over the past five and half years Gab has been building infrastructure to ensure that free speech is preserved online for all people at all costs. Gab is no longer simply the “Twitter alternative,” we are the complete solution to all of Silicon Valley.

In the past 30 days alone we’ve had over 90 million visits to Gab, which is up from 70 million in November. That’s more than most of the “mainstream” news sites and that number is exploding in growth.

The Real Big Tech Exodus

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One year ago this week the largest Big Tech exodus in history occurred when millions of people joined Gab. Two perfect storm events led to this inflection point and awakening of the masses. First, Donald Trump was banned from Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the internet while he was still a sitting President. At the same time Parler, the darling of the conservative establishment billionaire class, was removed from the internet by Amazon, Apple, and Google.

Gab Is a Sleeping Giant

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A record number of Americans “quit their jobs” this November, or that is to say they were either forced to quit their jobs or got fired for refusing to inject themselves with an experimental substance. Millions more are biding their time as our federal government tries to force businesses with over 100 employees to mandate vaccination in order to retain employment. Soon the parallel economy I’ve been writing about won’t just be an idea, it will become necessary. That’s why we have been working so hard over the past year to build the tools and infrastructure to power this parallel economy. 

Big Tech Rings In The New Year With Censorship

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Twitter banned Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene this morning. Thankfully Congresswoman Greene was smarter than many of her colleagues because she got on Gab over a year ago and built up a tremendous following over hundreds of thousands of people. Her ban from Twitter should come as no surprise. Once Twitter crossed the rubicon and banned a sitting President there was nothing stopping them from banning each and every Republican from the platform without thinking twice.

While everyone is distracted by New Years celebrations Silicon Valley is working overtime on the behalf of the Regime to ramp up censorship ahead of the 2022 election cycle. The Regime puppets on both the left and the right know their power is in trouble. They will continue to silence any true America First candidates who seek to represent The People. It’s well beyond time to wake up and stop using these platforms before they force you to do so.

2022: The Year The Parallel Economy Rises

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In 2021 we saw the unprecedented rise of medical tyranny, the abasement of the US dollar, and the beginnings of a new parallel Christian economy begin to form in response to this madness. Nearly a year ago back in February of 2021 I wrote about the need for us to build our own parallel economy. I spent the next ten months laying the groundwork for such a monumental task because I knew what was coming.

Joe Rogan Gets on Gab

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This weekend it came to my attention that Joe Rogan spent four minutes exploring Gab’s front page and talking about our community to his massive audience on the biggest podcast in the world. Gab was already having an explosive week after Twitter decided to ban thousands of young Christian men from their website, but this was a nice cherry on top as tens of thousands of Rogan’s listeners signed up for Gab. You can watch the full exchange here on Gab TV.

Christians: December 6th Was Your Wakeup Call About What Is Coming For Us All

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On December 6th Twitter banned thousands of accounts in their latest purge of dissenting thought on the doomed and failing platform. As a result saw thousands of new sign ups per hour and our traffic skyrocketed. When Twitter Purges, Gab Surges. While this is great news for the Gab community, it’s not great news for Christians. In fact, it’s a sign of what is soon to come which will be much worse than losing your Twitter account.

Never Forget: Holodomor Memorial Day

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In 1932 and 1933, 7 Million (estimated) Ukrainians were massacred by genocidal famine ordered by the Bolshevik government. Many were Christians. Students do not learn about the Holodomor in middle school, high school, or even college. There aren’t dozens of major Hollywood films depicting the horrific events that took place. Our politicians aren’t referencing the Holodomor every other day and visiting Holodomor Museums. If you ask any random American on the street about the Holodomor they will have no idea what it is. Why is this?

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